Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah, kali ini sekali lagi blog ini dapat diselamatkan daripada dibiarkan bersawang begitu sahaja (hehehe). For those who have followed my writings atau pernah tersinggah di laman hitam-pink ini, thanks a lot guys for lending your eyes and minds. Tak banyak yang nak dicelotehkan, cuma hati terasa nak berkongsi.
Movie is absolutely fun. Have you guys watched "Kingdom Of Heaven"? Kalau belum, silalah download atau pinjam daripada jiran sebelah especially for Orlando's fans (you're not yet his fan until you watch this). But still, that is not the main point. If u ever watched this movie, u could see how one of the actors (I never know his name) play the role of Salahuddin Al-Ayubi. I'm not gonna say that he did it perfectly because I do believe that the real Salahuddin is much much better, but still, I can see how brave our Muslim warriors used to be. Salahuddin is one of them, but i am more likely to write about this ever known hero, Khalid Ibn Al-Walid.
Dengar nama pun dah rasa gah kan? x taulah kalau korang xde rasa macam tu. Tp xpelah, hopefully, after u read this, u'll get something from him. Hero sepanjang zaman ni.. One of the most successful commanders in military history just like Julius Caesar and Constantine during the Ancient Rome or Nicephorus II Phocas of the Byzantine Empire. Nak kata kat sini memang hebat la Khalid Al-Walid ni.. bukan senang tau nama nak kena catat dalam lipatan sejarah. Setakat kena catat kat dalam buku rekod disiplin sekolah tu perkara biasa..

Khalid Al-Walid, the Sword of Allah
Khalid Al-Walid is also known as Sayfullah Al-Maslul, or simply the Drawn Sword of Allah. Khalid ibn al-Walid was born around c. 592 in Mecca to Walid ibn al-Mughira, the chief of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh. He was also known in Mecca by the title of Al-Waheed- the Unique. Indeed, he was unique. Mengikut tradisi Quraisyh, selepas dilahirkan, Khalid telah diasuh oleh ibu angkatnya daripada keturunan Arab Badwi yang tinggal di gurun. Beliau hanya kembali kepada ibu bapanya yang tinggal di Mekah apabila beliau berusia usia 5 atau 6 tahun. As a member of the tribe of Makhzum, who had specialized in warfare, and who were amongst the best horsemen in Arabia, Khalid learned to ride and use weapons like the spear, the lance, the bow, and the sword as a child. Lance being his favorite weapon which he frequently used in cavalry charges and he became very good at it naturally. In youth he was admired as a renowned warrior and wrestler among the Quraysh. He once wrestled with Umar Al-Khattab and broke Umar's leg. I guess that's how he grown up to be a great warrior ever.

Semasa perang pertama dalam sejarah Islam; Perang Badar, Khalid tidak turut serta. Tetapi, salah seorang saudaranya, Walid bin Al-Walid telah dijadikan tawanan perang. Khalid bersama abang sulungnya, Hafsham bin Al-Walid telah pergi ke Madinah untuk menebus Walid. But, on the way back to Makkah, Walid had escaped and went back to Rasulullah SAW to convert Islam.Prophet Mohammad is reported to have said to him:
If he (Khalid) put his matchless vigor on our side, we will give him preference over others.
Khalid's brother wrote him a letter and told him about what Rasulullah SAW had said about him. Khalid had begun to ponder deeply on religious matters, he decided to accept Islam and shared it with his friend Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl who opposed him. Khalid was threatened by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb with dire consequences, but was restrained by Ikrimah. That night Khalid took his armour, weapons and horse, and set out for Medina. On the way he met 'Amr ibn al-'As and Uthman ibn Talha who were also going to Medina to accept Islam. They arrived at Medina on May 31, 629 and went to the house of Prophet Muhammad. Khalid was received by his elder brother Walid bin Walid and was first among the three men to convert Islam. That's the first part of the story of how he was given the hidayah to choose Islam as the way of his life.
3 bulan selepas kedatangan Khalid Al-Walid ke Madinah, Rasulullah SAW telah menghantar surat melalu utusan ke Ghassanid untuk mengajak chieftain-nya menerima Islam. Semasa melalui kawasan yang dikenali sebagai Mu'tah, utusan ini telah dihalang dan dibunuh oleh chieftain Ghassanid by the name of Shurahbil ibn Amr. Peristiwa ini telah membangkitkan kemarahan penduduk Madinah.
An expedition was immediately prepared to take punitive action against the Ghassanids. Rasulullah SAW appointed Zayd ibn Harithah as the commander of the force. In the event of Zayd's death, the command was to be taken over by Ja`far ibn Abī Tālib, and if Jafar were to be killed, the command would be in the hands of `Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. In the event that all three were killed, the men of the expedition were to select a commander from amongst themselves. During the battle, the three named commanders were slain, and Khalid was selected as the commander. He was able to maintain his army of 3,000 soldiers against a massive army of the Byzantine Empire and Ghassanid Arabs in what we'd known as the Battle of Mu'tah. The size of the combined forces of Ghassanid and Byzantines is recorded in early sources at an estimated 200 000.
Kalau kita fikir-fikirkan, macam mana 3000 orang nak lawan dengan 200 000 orang? Bunyi macam x aci je kan. Unfair. But believe me, there is no war during the era that the number of Islamic army is bigger than their opponents. So how they could manage to win against those huge number of trained army? Jawapannya ialah tentera Islam ada strategi yang tersusun. and the most important of all is the faith they had. Tentera Islam waktu tu ada pegangan akidah yang sangat mantap sampai diorang tau apa tujuan diorang berperang. Diorang sentiasa yakin dengan janji Allah bahawa ada balasan syurga yang menanti bagi orang-orang yang menegakkan syariat Allah di muka bumi ni. That one is like a booster for them so x hairanlah kalau 300 orang pun boleh kalahkan 1000 orang dalam Perang Badar.
Satu persoalan,
Adakah kita menunaikan janji kepada Allah sekalipun kita yakin akan janji Allah kepada kita?
to be continued...
3 bulan selepas kedatangan Khalid Al-Walid ke Madinah, Rasulullah SAW telah menghantar surat melalu utusan ke Ghassanid untuk mengajak chieftain-nya menerima Islam. Semasa melalui kawasan yang dikenali sebagai Mu'tah, utusan ini telah dihalang dan dibunuh oleh chieftain Ghassanid by the name of Shurahbil ibn Amr. Peristiwa ini telah membangkitkan kemarahan penduduk Madinah.
An expedition was immediately prepared to take punitive action against the Ghassanids. Rasulullah SAW appointed Zayd ibn Harithah as the commander of the force. In the event of Zayd's death, the command was to be taken over by Ja`far ibn Abī Tālib, and if Jafar were to be killed, the command would be in the hands of `Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. In the event that all three were killed, the men of the expedition were to select a commander from amongst themselves. During the battle, the three named commanders were slain, and Khalid was selected as the commander. He was able to maintain his army of 3,000 soldiers against a massive army of the Byzantine Empire and Ghassanid Arabs in what we'd known as the Battle of Mu'tah. The size of the combined forces of Ghassanid and Byzantines is recorded in early sources at an estimated 200 000.
Kalau kita fikir-fikirkan, macam mana 3000 orang nak lawan dengan 200 000 orang? Bunyi macam x aci je kan. Unfair. But believe me, there is no war during the era that the number of Islamic army is bigger than their opponents. So how they could manage to win against those huge number of trained army? Jawapannya ialah tentera Islam ada strategi yang tersusun. and the most important of all is the faith they had. Tentera Islam waktu tu ada pegangan akidah yang sangat mantap sampai diorang tau apa tujuan diorang berperang. Diorang sentiasa yakin dengan janji Allah bahawa ada balasan syurga yang menanti bagi orang-orang yang menegakkan syariat Allah di muka bumi ni. That one is like a booster for them so x hairanlah kalau 300 orang pun boleh kalahkan 1000 orang dalam Perang Badar.
مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَى نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلاً
Di antara orang-orang mu'min itu ada orang-orang yang menepati apa yang telah mereka janjikan kepada Allah; maka diantara mereka ada yang gugur. Dan di antara mereka ada (pula) yang menunggu- nunggu dan mereka tidak merubah (janjinya), Maksudnya menunggu apa yang telah Allah janjikan kepadanya.
(Al-Ahzab 33:23)
Satu persoalan,
Adakah kita menunaikan janji kepada Allah sekalipun kita yakin akan janji Allah kepada kita?
to be continued...
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